Central Chapter

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

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Trish Quintenz, Chapter President

Tom Larson, Vice President

Annette Chinuge, Secretary

Jean Moser, Treasurer

Using native plants for our homes and community encourages us to establish a personal relationship with our natural world, a relationship that invites native plants and wildlife back into our immediate lives and adds value to all. The Central Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society is an active membership encompassing the Central Illinois region. We endeavor to enhance quality of life for our members and community. Additionally, we engage the community by participating in environmental events and supporting projects that promote the conservation of Illinois native plants and natural communities. We invite you to foster a personal relationship with the natural world by joining us at a monthly meeting, on a field trip or at our annual native plant sale. Keep up with the latest happenings of the Central Chapter of the Illinois Native Plant Society. Learn about upcoming programs, field trips, plant sales, and volunteer activities. Click here to subscribe to our monthly newsletter. Join us in supporting projects that promote the conservation of Illinois native plants and natural communities. We value your participation in our organization and extend an open invitation to join us in our exploration of the amazing biodiversity of Illinois.