2021 Annual Gathering (Virtual)

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

2021 Annual Gathering (Virtual)

Annual Gathering 2021

During the week of September 11-18, 2021, INPS held its first virtual Annual Gathering. There were a mix of virtual and “real life” activities during the week. On September 11, there were presentations from five recent grant recipients about their research that was partially funded by grants from INPS. Then, on Thursday, September 16, we had three keynote presentations. The presentations are now on the Illinois Native Plant Society YouTube channel and can be viewed below.

Research Grant Awardees Presentations – Sept. 11, 2021

Matthew Evans: 2019 awardee
Assessment of Vernal Pool Seedbanks

Lauren Lynch: 2019 awardee
Effects of Pollinator Gardens on Native Bees on an Urban-Rural Gradient

Jesse Smith: 2019 awardee
Tallgrass vs. Hill Prairies:  Floral Traits and Habitat Size Influence Pollinator Diversity

Karen Glennemeier, with Sai Ramakrishna (representing Stephen Packard, 2020 awardee, as project consultant and project volunteer, respectively) 
Control of Solidago altissima in Open Oak Woodlands

Keynote Presentations – Sept 16, 2021

Dr. Brenda Molano-Flores, Illinois Natural History Survey:
It’s getting hot in here: how will IL plants respond to climate change?

Dr. Tom Simpson, McHenry County Conservation District:
Three Decades of the Phenology Research Program, McHenry County Conservation District

Dr. David Zaya, Illinois Natural History Survey and Dr. Carol Augspurger, University of Illinois
Phenological shifts over 25 years in herbaceous forest plants in an Illinois remnant

Annual Gathering Events

Sunflower Week on iNaturalist, Sept. 11-18

Member’s night on Zoom, September 11 at 5 pm

  • Introduction of the state governing board
  • Results of vote to change bylaws and update mission statement
  • Instructions for Asteraceae competition on iNaturalist (Sept. 11-18)
  • Highlights from chapter outings
  • Research Grant awardee presentations
    • Matthew Evans: 2019 awardee. Assessment of Vernal Pool Seedbanks
    • Lauren Lynch: 2019 awardee. Effects of Pollinator Gardens on Native Bees on an Urban-Rural Gradient
    • Jesse Smith: 2019 awardee.  Tallgrass vs. Hill Prairies:  Floral Traits and Habitat Size Influence Pollinator Diversity
    • Anthony Gibson: 2020 awardee. Floristic Survey of the Joliet Junior College Main Campus
    • Karen Glennemeier, with Sai Ramakrishna (representing Stephen Packard, 2020 awardee, as project consultant and project volunteer, respectively):  Control of Solidago altissima in Open Oak Woodlands

Keynote presentations on Zoom, September 16 at 7 pm

  • Dr. Brenda Molano-Flores, Illinois Natural History Survey:
    It’s getting hot in here: how will IL plants respond to climate change?
  • Dr. Tom Simpson, McHenry County Conservation District:
    Three Decades of the Phenology Research Program, McHenry County Conservation District
  • Dr. David Zaya, Illinois Natural History Survey and Dr. Carol Augspurger, University of Illinois
    Phenological shifts over 25 years in herbaceous forest plants in an Illinois remnant

Check with your local chapter for in-person events happening between Sept. 11-18!