2022 Annual Gathering – Save the Dates

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

2022 Annual Gathering – Save the Dates

The Illinois Native Plant society would like to invite you to attend the 2022 Annual Gathering. The Board of the INPS decided to try and have an annual gathering in 2022: Friday, June 24–Sunday, June 26.

General plans: Friday is largely a social gathering. The event will include a silent auction of donated items, buffet with bar service, and speakers. A local land trust will be introduced and their major parcel, a restored oak savanna, will be included in the field trips.

Field trips: Saturday will largely consist of field trips. The most distant venue will be approximately 40 miles away. One or two field trips will be quite close, and suitable for families. Sunday will be casual with a couple of nearby field trips.

Accommodations: Lodging will be quite convenient as the conference center is at a Holiday Inn north of the city of Normal just off the I-55/I-39 jct. Both Hyatt and a Marrriot hotels are in nearby uptown Normal and ISU a couple of miles away. Camping if located about 12 miles north in Comlara State Park off I-39. If possible please indicate if you will need a room, or plan to camp.

Vaccination: If at this point you are not vaccinated and boostered then it is in everyone’s best interests that you plan not to attend. When indoors, attendees will wear masks whenever possible, or as otherwise recommended by public health agencies.

Pre-RSVP It is proving quite hard to plan this event because last year’s attendance has always been our best predictor of the future, but as that event becomes more and more distant it also becomes a less and less reliable predictor. Please fill in this form, indicating whether or not you think you might attend. Please indicate food preferences, vegetarian or omnivore. Longer field trips will include bag lunches and bottled water.