Board Minutes – 11/9/2020

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

Board Minutes – 11/9/2020



November 9, 2020, 6:00pm | Conference call

Governing Board Meeting

Attending: (13) Susanne Masi, Jean Sellar, Paul Marcum, Joe Armstrong, Floyd Catchpole, cassi saari, Emily Dangremond, Trish Quintenz, Courtney Cartney, Gretel Kiefer, Chris Benda, Anna Braum, Angela Kerber

Meeting Begins: 6:03pm

Review and approve the Minutes from the October governing board meeting.

  • Jean moves to approve the October minutes as revised, Emily seconds. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passes.
  • Should minutes be posted on website for public view? Need to double check that membership google doc isn’t linked first. Consensus to add if no sensitive information linked, Angela will review past year’s.

Chapter Reports

  • Central: Trish Quintenz, President
    • Decided not to have plant sale for 2021. May have a late summer or fall event depending on covid status
  • Forest Glen: Paul Marcum, President
    • Not much to report this quarter. Still no in person tours or workshops but we are working to restore our chapter newsletter, The Bellflower. Also, we are trying to substitute in person activities with informational packets that we can send to our members. For example, we are working on a quick guide to former Aster spp. (Symphyotrichum spp.) of East-Central Illinois as well as some photographic tours of regional natural areas.
  • Grand Prairie: Joe Armstrong, President
  • Northeast: cassi saari, President
    • Latest issue of The Nodding Onion is out:
    • The Northeast Chapter will be holding board elections for the 2021–2022 term (January 2021 through December 2022) in early December. Several board members are hoping to stay on, though all positions will be on the ballot. We are still in search of a Field Trips Coordinator. Please consider those in your network for this position. We thank Anna Braum and Iza Redlinski for their work these past two years! More info on volunteering with the Northeast Chapter, including as a board member, here:
    • No events to report.
  • Quad Cities: Bohdan Dziadyk, President
  • Kankakee Torrent: Floyd Catchpole, President
    • Zoom meetings being held, upgraded account and may be possible to share so other Chapters could use.
  • Southern: Chris Evans, President
    • Going to move forward with spring sale, generally sell ~100 plants, & pick up from nurseries.
    • Considering having annual Indigineous Plant Symposium (2020 was canceled)
    • Monthly Zoom meetings being held.

Website Report

  • LINK to report via Jeff Nelson
  • Two grantee articles in Harbinger could be linked to grant webpage if possible.
  • Would it be possible to also post any recorded zoom meeting/presentations? Paul to check.
  • Anyone interested in managing social media? – facebook specifically with 10,000 followers, potential non-board member position.

Board Ballot – for positions that are expiring and open

  • January Ballot items still on table:
    • President – still in need of volunteer for position. Need to have a transition plan, esp. since can’t meet in person right now. (Floyd will be past president, Paul will still be on board as Chapter president). Board position descriptions on google drive, Angela to search and forward to Floyd. Chris Benda will check with several potential people see if interested.
    • Membership – in need of volunteer for position. Potential interested candidate; Susanne will discuss with Floyd before any advertisement goes out.
    • New Social Media non-voting position
    • Advertise to full membership for open positions? Floyd will work on advertisement for positions needed.
    • Potential at large member interest in any positions? Nick Seaton is willing to volunteer; LINK to bio.
      • Susanne moves to include Nick to 2021 ballot for At-large Board member. Paul seconds. All in favor, none opposed. Motion passes.

Forwarding Mailing Address (discussed from previous meetings)

  • If setup a forwarding address for our P.O. Box, i.e. to treasurer, it will be automatically suspended. Need a plan B or more efficient system.
    • There used to be a correspondence coordinator, non voting position.
    • Perhaps someone from Southern Chapter who lives in Carbondale area could volunteer and we retain the current PO Box. Main reason for change is processing membership checks
    • Make it the address of the membership coordinator? Hopefully/potentially with new membership coordinator and keep moving forward with digital payment. Change/re-design membership renewal tab on last page of Harbinger to be the URL link for renewing instead of PO Box.

New Business:

  • Angela to change google account password.
  • Loyola University, School of Sustainability is having launch for new program, which is Dec. 14th.

Next Meeting Monday December 14th.

Meeting ends: 6:51pm