Category: Central Chapter

Say Goodbye to Your Callery Pear

Remove Your Invasive Callery Pear and Receive a $25 Coupon to Spend at the Illinois Native Plant Society Central Chapter’s Plant Sale Bring a “selfie” with one or more cut-down Callery pear trees and claim one of the 40 coupons we will have available at the annual native plant sale in Springfield. Use the $25…
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Five years of Progress on Horn Prairie

I was just going through prairie photos, thinking about Henry Eilers and how far recognition of our Prairie has come over the past 5 years! As they say: “time flies when you are having fun!” It was mid to late December of 2014 when I received an email from one HENRY EILERS. I had no…
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A note from Horn Prairie

We had a fantastic year at the Horn Prairie with abundant rainfall all summer long. The entire 40 acre site was burned in March of 2019, and the prairie ALWAYS blooms better after a good burn. We hosted two prairie tours for INPS this past season with great turn out both times. We were very…
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