Chapter Locations

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

Kankakee TorrentFloyd Catchpole
Quad CitiesSamantha Chavez
Grand PrairieJoe Armstrong
Forest GlenPaul Marcum
CentralTrish Quintenz
SouthernNick Seaton

Northeast (Chicago region)
Kankakee Torrent (Bourbonnais)
Quad Cities (Rock Island)
Grand Prairie (Bloomington/Normal)
Forest Glen (Westville)
Central (Springfield)
Southern (Carbondale)
The Irene Cull Chapter (Peoria) is currently inactive

Interested in starting your own chapter? See Article VII of the INPS bylaws for details on chapter formation.
For more information, contact

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Scientists, writers, peer-reviewers, and others driven in the field of protection of natvie flora.