Homepage News

2022 Annual Gathering – Save the Dates

INPS would like to invite you to attend the Annual Gathering of the Illinois Native Plant Society. The Gathering begins on Friday, June 24 and goes through Sunday June 26.

2023 INPS Research Grant and Survey Grant Applications Now Open!

INPS invites students, researchers, and citizen scientists to consider applying for a $2500 Research grant or a $5000 Survey Grant. The Illinois Native Plant Society grant programs were developed to promote the conservation of Illinois native plants and communities through scientific research. Application deadline is January 31, 2022.

2018 Grant Recipient Publication Announced

Illinois Native Plant Society grant recipients are encouraged to submit their grant-awarded research to scientific peer reviewed publications. We are pleased to announce that 2018 recipient Emily Dangremond, Assistant Professor at Roosevelt University and current President of INPS, will publish her research on Starflower (Trientalis borealis) in Plant Ecology.

Illinois Native Plant Society 2022 Grants Announced

Students, citizen scientists, and conservation groups are invited to consider applying for an INPS Research Grant for up to $2500 to fund one-year projects. The grant is for research-focused studies on Illinois native plants

Letter to Governor Pritzker about the Bell Bowl Prairie

Dear Governor Pritzker,  We are writing to express our concern and opposition to the configuration of the planned airport expansion by the Greater Rockford Airport Authority in Winnebago County, Illinois.…
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Southern Chapter Composite Workshop

The Southern Chapter of INPS is presenting a workshop on the identification of the sunflower family (Asteraceae) in southern Illinois. The workshop will begin with an introduction to plant features, how to use a dichotomous key and hand lens, and a hike to identify Asteraceae in the field.

2021 Annual Gathering

Join us for the 2021 Annual Gathering of the Illinois Native Plant Society. We will meet virtually on September 11 at 5 pm for a membership meeting, and we will have keynote presentations followed by a discussion about climate change impacts on Illinois plants on September 18 at 7 pm. Participate in a competition to identify the most Asteraceae species during the week of Sept 11-18. In addition, local chapters are planning in-person events.

Recollections of Prairie Discovery

When my parents moved to Northbrook in 1951, the entire area between Crabtree Lane and Dundee Road was prairie and unchanneled west fork of the north branch of the Chicago…
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Saving Dune Willow

Dune willow (Salix syrticola) is an Illinois Endangered species found at only a few lakeshore sites in northeastern IL. David Johannesen, a Plants of Concern volunteer, raised an alert in…
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