Native Plant Sales

Use the search and filter features below to find native plant sales near you. Clicking on the name of a listing will take you to a page with detailed information about the sale (times, location, etc.)

This information is being provided as a service to Illinois Native Plant Society members and the general public. Some of these sales may contain non-native species or cultivars. We encourage people to purchase plants native to Illinois.

This listing of native plant sales is just one of many activities the INPS conducts to support its mission of “the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois.” To help INPS achieve this mission, consider joining or donating. Thank you.

 Region Date of Sale or Plant Pick Up Name Link City Pre-order Information
Central05/04/2025Grand Prairie Friends

Contact for pre-ordering.

Central05/10/2025Central Chapter Native Plant Sale
Central05/04/2025Grand Prairie Friends Native Plant Sale

Order online, get email notification for pickup.

North05/02/2025Good Steward Ecoscapes @ Wild Birds UnlimitedJoliet


North05/09/2025Rock River Valley Chapter Wild Ones 2025 Native Plant Sale

Online shopping cart opens: Monday, March 24, 2025. Pre-orders due: Friday, April 25, 2025. Pickup

North05/24/2025Wild Birds Unlimited Native Plants SaleJoliet

No pre-orders. In person only.

North05/02/2025Citizens for Conservation

Online ordering: March 9-April 12 (or until our order capacity is full

North05/17/2025University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners

In person

North05/17/2025Country Road Greenhouses 8th Annual Native Plant Sale, Rochelle, IL - Native Plant, Shrubs, Trees, Grasses, Sedgeshttps://www.prairieplugs.comROCHELLE

Pre-order at or email us at 815-384-3311

North09/27/2025Country Road Greenhouses 3rd Annual FALL Native Plant Sale 815-384-3311

North01/05/2025West Cook Chapter Wild Ones

Pre-orders 3/15 - 5/11, with pick up in Maywood 6/5 - 6/7 from 11:30 -

North06/06/2025West Cook Chapter Wild Ones - Lemont pick up

Pre-orders March 15 - May 11 with pick-up in Lemont 6/6 - 6/7 or in

North05/10/2025Conservation Foundation
South03/31/2025Sag Moraine Native Plant Community Hills

Packages, starter kits, shrubs, and full flat groundcovers can be pre-ordered from 3/1/25 to 5/1/25.

South04/26/2025HeartLands Conservancy

Pre-orders available online between March 20 and April 9.

 Region Date of Sale or Plant Pick Up Name Link City Pre-order Information

If you know of a native plant sale that is not listed, let us know! We will review the submission, and it should appear in the listing in a few days.

Something inaccurate? Contact us at