Native Plant Sales

Use the search and filter features below to find native plant sales near you. Clicking on the name of a listing will take you to a page with detailed information about the sale (times, location, etc.)

This information is being provided as a service to Illinois Native Plant Society members and the general public. Some of these sales may contain non-native species or cultivars. We encourage people to purchase plants native to Illinois.

This listing of native plant sales is just one of many activities the INPS conducts to support its mission of “the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois.” To help INPS achieve this mission, consider joining or donating. Thank you.

NameKane Native Plant Sale- Kane Forest Preserve Foundation
Date of Sale or Plant Pick Up04/27/2024
Time of SaleSaturday 8am to noon
Pre-order Information

Pre-order through April 15. Pick-up times will be scheduled by last name. Pick-up MUST be done on Saturday, April 27th from 8am to noon.

LocationLeRoy Oaks Forest Preserve- Creek Bend Nature Center
Address37W700 Dean Street
St. Charles, Illinois 60174
Map It

If you know of a native plant sale that is not listed, let us know! We will review the submission, and it should appear in the listing in a few days.

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