Use the search and filter features below to find native plant sales near you. Clicking on the name of a listing will take you to a page with detailed information about the sale (times, location, etc.)
This information is being provided as a service to Illinois Native Plant Society members and the general public. Some of these sales may contain non-native species or cultivars. We encourage people to purchase plants native to Illinois.
This listing of native plant sales is just one of many activities the INPS conducts to support its mission of “the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois.” To help INPS achieve this mission, consider joining or donating. Thank you.
Region | North |
Name | Citizens for Conservation |
Date of Sale or Plant Pick Up | 05/02/2025 |
Additional Date | 05/03/2025 |
Time of Sale | Pre-order pick up: May 2 from 11 am to 6 pm; and May 3 from 9 am to 3 pm —- “Members only” sale: May 2 from 11 am to 6 pm —— Public sale: May 3 & 4 from 9 am to 3 pm |
Pre-order Information | Online ordering: March 9-April 12 (or until our order capacity is full |
Location | Sale Location: The 2025 sale will be held at Hill ‘N Dale Preserve in Barrington Hills in our new permanent home, the CFC Plant Sale Barn located at the northwest corner of Ridge Road and West County Line Road in Barrington Hills. View on Google Maps. We offer resources to help select the plants that are right for your area: CFC’s Native Plant database has details on hundreds of species. You can sort by water need, sun, color and desired wildlife species that you hope to attract. Native plant experts will be on hand at the sale to answer questions and help you find the right species based on your planting site. Call us at 847-382-SAVE. We love to talk about plants! Pre-orders are encouraged if you have specific plants in mind. Click here for the plant sale site beginning on March 9. Orders are filled in the order in which they are received. CFC members receive a 10% discount on plant orders, so be sure your membership is up to date or become a member now. All memberships expire annually on March 31. |
Address | Plant Sale Barn, 11801 Ridge Rd, Barrington, IL 60010 Barrington, Illinois 60010 Map It |
Website | |
If you know of a native plant sale that is not listed, let us know! We will review the submission, and it should appear in the listing in a few days.
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