New Illustrated Botanical Glossary for the Flora of the Chicago Region

Dedicated to the study, appreciation, and conservation of the native flora and natural communities of Illinois

New Illustrated Botanical Glossary for the Flora of the Chicago Region

Glossary text by Gerould Wilhelm & Laura Rericha
Glossary illustrations by Kathleen Marie Garness

An excellent new illustrated botanical glossary was recently published by the Conservation Research Institute and Indiana Academy of Science. It is a freely available companion to the Flora of the Chicago Region (2017), written by Gerould Wilhelm and Laura Rericha. This new resource consists of 14 detailed illustrated plates and a 28-page glossary of botanical terminology, a valuable tool for anyone who needs to work their way through a dichotomous key. Our own Northeast Chapter Membership Chair, Kathleen Garness, deftly and meticulously worked to produce the illustrations in consultation with the authors and editor of the flora. The glossary is available on the Conservation Research Institute website and can be downloaded and printed for educational and non-commercial uses.

Plate 11: Floral Morphology Variations