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Don’t Miss our Spring Native Plant Sale!

When: May 11, 2024, 8:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: Turley Park Pavillion, Carbondale IL
For more info or to volunteer contact: southernillinoisplants@gmail.com
Pre-order go to: https://greenearthinc.org/plant-sale

Plants for Sale
List of plants for sale (not all are available to pre-order).
Goat’s Beard | Aruncus dioicus |
Common Milkweed | Asclepias syriaca |
Swamp Milkweed | Aclepias incarnata |
Butterfly Weed | Asclepia tuberosa |
Blue Wild Indigo a.k.a. False Blue Indigo | Baptisia australis |
Yellow Wild Indigo | Baptisia spaerocaarpa |
Lanceleaf Coreopsis | Coreopsis lancelata |
Purple Coneflower | Echinacea pururea |
Rattlesnake Master | Erynigium yuccafolium |
Wild Geranium | Geranium maculatum |
Southern Blue Flag | Iris virginica |
Prairie Blazing Star | Liatris pycnostachya |
Cardinal Flower | Lobelia cardinalis |
Wild Bergamot | Monarda fistulosa |
Spotted Bee Balm | Monarda punctata |
Missouri Primrose | Oenothera macrocarpa |
Foxglove Beardtongue | Penstemon digitalis |
Phlox Carolina Phlox subspecies ‘Kim’ | Phlox carolina |
Wild Sweet William | Phlox divaricate |
Obedient Plant | Physostegia virginia |
Jacob’s Ladder | Polemonium reptans |
Bowman’s Root a.k.a. Indian Physic | Porteranthus trifoliatus |
Gray-headed Coneflower | Ratibida pinnata |
(Missouri) Black-eyed Susan | Rudbeckia missouriensis |
Wild Petunia | Ruella humilis |
Downy Skullcap | Scutellaria incana |
Widow’s Cross Sedum a.k.a Wild Stonecrop | Sedum ternatum |
Compass Plant | Silphium laciniatum |
Cup Plant | Silphium perfoliatum |
Prairie Dock | Silphium terebinthinaceum |
Blue-eyed Grass | Sisyrinchium augustifolium |
Indian Pink | Spigelia marilandica |
New England Aster | Symphyotrichum novae angliae |
Aromatic Aster | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium |
Foamflower | Tiarella cordifolia |
Woodland Spiderwort | Tradescantia ernestiana |
Ohio Spiderwort | Tradescantia oheonsis |
Culver’s Root | Veronicastrum virginicum |
Hoary Vervain | Verbena Stricta |
Rose Verbena a.k.a. Rose Vervain | Glandularia canadensis |
Golden Alexander | Zizia aurea |
Big Blue Stem | Andropogon gerardii |
Pennsylvania Sedge | Carex pennsulvanica |
Blue Wood Sedge | Carex flacosperma |
(Brown) Fox Sedge | Carex vulpenoidea |
River Oats | Chasmanthium latifolium |
Nothing from Monday, 24 February 2025 to Monday, 24 March 2025.